Friday, October 17, 2008

An EXTREMELY brief look at Friday Shows

Don't have long, so I'm just giving the 3 best show options for tonight. I'm sure I'm leaving out some good stuff. Oh well.

Jimmy LaFave/Rahim Quazi (Palace Theatre)
For the record, I still haven't had ANYONE answer the trivia question to receive free tickets to this show. It's a shame, because you don't want to miss out on Rahim playing songs from his new CD, Supernatural (hint hint). I'm excited to see him play, as well as seeing this venue.
Lovie/El Gato/Happy Bullets (Club Dada)
I'm not sure of the order of the lineup. I do know, however, that this is the last show of Lovie's with Grace on drums. Fans of Lovie should make this a priority show.
Mucca Pazza/Dove Hunter/Mount Righteous/Telegraph Canyon/Stumptone/Baby Dee (Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth)
Here's something for those who like a little culture with their rock n' roll. Dove Hunter is one of the most impressive live bands around, and Telegraph Canyon aren't too shabby either. Haven't seen Mount Righteous or Stumptone yet, but word of mouth on both is impressive. Easily worth the $15 admission.

Feel free to post comments telling me about the shows I forgot to list. Honestly, it won't hurt my feelings.

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